In Bakugan: Rise of the Resistance, a mysterious new group of Bakugan is invading New Vestroia. It's up to you to defend against these unknown new foes in their attempt to create the most powerful Bakugan ever. Travel through different lands of New Vestroia and control your personal Bakugan on the battlefield. You must become the greatest general of all in order to free the Bakugan and save New Vestroia!
- Play as Dan or one of 5 other resisitance members
- over 30 levels across 6 expansive areas to explore and conquer
- An exciting new mix of adventure, role-playing, and tower defense
- Set amidst a completely new, unexplored storyline
- Over 80 elemental variations across 34 Bakugan
- Upgrade your Bakugan during and between battles
- Take full command of your very own army of Bakugan
- Battle wave after wave of epic enemy Bakugan
- Packed with real-time, action packed brawling